Our mission is to save a million minds.

Save a Million Minds

Save a Million Minds

ScholarSkills for STARS is a recognized 501 (c)(3) educational services provider to districts, schools, and families. We translate the Science of Reading into V.I.T.A.L.* tools that parents and teachers can use. Our mission is to save a million minds by equipping schools, families, and communities with the skills and resources they need to prevent or overcome devastating reading difficulties such as dyslexia.

We help schools achieve exceptional literacy, attendance, and graduation rates by offering professional development programs and free workshops that show parents and teachers how to use creative, effective, evidence-based reading strategies.

Our Science of Reading and Orton-Gillingham workshops help teachers implement visual, interactive, tactile, adaptive learning (or V.I.T.A.L.) strategies to get students excited about excellence. We provide live and asynchronous training through S.M.A.R.T. (the ScholarSkills Multi-sensory Academy for Reading Teachers).

*V.I.T.A.L. stands for Visual Interactive Tactile Auditory Learning.


The Scientifically Proven Way to Reading Success

What every educator should know about the way children learn to read. These are the steps to reading success that all parents and teachers should know.

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The Crisis in Reading

Reading is the key to opportunity—especially in a knowledge-based economy. Unfortunately, America is facing a national reading crisis. According to the latest report from the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), nearly 66% of 4th and 8th graders are not reading proficiently.

This crisis affects minority communities even more severely: nearly 85% of African-American 4th and 8th grade students are not reading proficiently.

S.M.A.R.T. (ScholarSkills Multi-sensory Academy for Reading Teachers)

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Consequences of the Crisis

If students cannot read proficiently by 3rd grade, access to better educational and economic opportunities is severely limited.

Third grade reading levels predict high school dropout rates.

Those who do not read proficiently by third grade are four times more likely to leave school without a diploma than proficient readers. For the worst readers, those who could not master even the basic skills by third grade, the rate is nearly six times greater. While these struggling readers account for about a third of the students, they represent more than three-fifths of those who eventually drop out or fail to graduate on time. Poverty has a powerful influence on graduation rates. The combined effect of reading poorly and living in poverty puts these children in double jeopardy.

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The Problem

Why are so many students struggling to read?

A significant part of the problem lies in schools. Most educators have not been taught how to teach their students to read using scientifically established, evidence-based strategies. Parents, also,—especially those in low-income communities— have not been trained and equipped to help their children learn to read.



Education happens within the context of a larger community. Our approach extends beyond the school to help ensure students have the necessary support to do their best learning. We provide training to parents and teachers who want to help their children succeed.. We also provide low cost and free direct tutorial assistance to students in need so that they can learn to read.

Sign up to get additional resources and to get notified about free reading skills workshops.

Dyslexia and the Crisis in Reading


How to teach vocabulary to children


Here’s one of our second graders spelling “testosterone.”

She had never seen or heard this word before, but because she knows her phonemic sounds and syllables, Anesha can sound, spell, and say this word.


A year ago, I was looking for a reading program for my 1st grader and was referred to ScholarSkills by a friend. Words cannot explain how pleased I am with her progress in reading.”

— C. Edwards (Parent)

Positive: Communication, Professionalism, Quality, Value
For years I have searched for a tutoring program that catered to the needs of my child. I have tried many different programs and tutors and none of them were helpful. Not one of the previous programs or tutors provided what I felt my child really needed, which was learning to read phonetically. Like many children my child attends Public School and I found despite being in the gifted program since starting school none of the teachers taught letter sounds. Initially when we started at ScholarSkills it was for the summer program, and in just 6 weeks I saw how much progress my child made. So I decided to enroll back into the program and I am so glad I did. It’s been a little over 6 months and my child has made tremendous improvements. My child is more confident when reading and is able to read full passages without help from me. If you’re looking for individualized help for your child I highly recommend ScholarSkills.
— Ms. Jenkins

We equip parents with the tools they need to teach their children how to read.


The Sentence Smart Curriculum

Our Systematic Training in Analytical Reading Skills (STARS) program is implemented through the ScholarSkills Sentence Smart Curriculum.

Sentence Smart Language Arts for Excellence in Reading and Writing.

Sentence Smart Language Arts for Excellence in Reading and Writing.


Feel free to contact us with any questions.


(833) 433-READ (7323)

What Parents Are Saying


“My daughter began tutoring at Scholar Skills for their summer sessions in person in 2019 and I noticed a change in her reading in a matter of 6 weeks. More recently she began tutoring sessions online and I can see a difference already. She is more confident in her reading and as her tutor always tells her she is now trusting her sounds when trying to pronounce more difficult words."

— L. Jenkins


"ScholarSkills is excellent. Reverend Vieira and staff are very passionate about helping the children and go to great lengths to see that they succeed. In three months time my daughter has jumped four reading levels and improved in all her math scores. These results came faster than I or her teachers could have anticipated. All of my daughter's teachers have commented on her huge improvement and how her confidence has soared. Thank you ScholarSkills for the great work that you continue to do."

—Akinsheye Babb

My daughter had issues with her reading, she now has confidence and has jumped up a level. They are very patient with my daughter and she enjoys working with the tutor. Her teacher at school has also notice her improvement.

—Bernice Rivera


"We happily recommend the Scholar Skills Reading program. The staff is attentive and diligent. My daughter has increased her reading by two levels. They have given her an invaluable boost of confidence to belief in her abilities and talents. They have found the tools to motivate her to excel. She is happy and eager to go to tutoring each week. We cannot thank Pastor Vieira and his team enough for their work. Thank you!"

— Vanessa Asare